I've been using this keyboard as my daily driver for a month and half now, and I don't know that I'll be switching back any time soon. I was unfamiliar with KZZI's products prior to this keyboard and I've been very happy with the overall feel and sound of this board. The deck is a bit on the lighter side and can be easily flexed, but I haven't run into any sort of issues as a result. The tactile switches are delightful and make for honestly one of the best typing experiences I've ever had.
Gaming wise I've found this keyboard to be incredibly response when plugged in. When trying to use it over Bluetooth I did have some barely perceivable lag, and the occasional latched key, but these are artifacts I've noticed with any wireless keyboard I've tried.
The numpad is similarly well built, and I love the option to have it off to the side when I need it. I will caution anyone who uses Window's alt-codes heavily: This seems like a Windows issue, but I've never been able to get alt-codes for special characters to work with wireless number pads. It will occasionally work for one or two number entries which makes me think this might be some backend issue for the number of consecutive key strokes that can be stored in the registry the alt-code system references. You can still likely access the characters you need through the WIN + ; menu but if you have the muscle memory to pull certain symbols using alt-codes you're going to be frustrated.
The documentation that comes with the keyboard is very thorough, but I can't say I love the way media keys are handled. Since there is no function key row it makes sense that you should have to pick between function or media keys for the number row when modified by the FN key. But apparently your choice is toggle between either numbers and FN for F1-F12, OR F1-F12 and FN for media? What?? In what world do I want F keys and media, but don't care about the numbers or symbols in the number row? That's bonkers to me. I don't use media keys that heavily so I can manage without, but that could be a serious deal breaker for a lot of people.
Overall this is a great keyboard for typing with some particular quirks. If media keys and alt-codes are at all deal breakers for you I'd suggest looking for a different model.
Review from Amazon: click here